26 February 2025

Haphazard Chandelier-Swinging in 2025

I admit I am disappointed that I have been unable to fulfill my Theoretical Swashbuckling goals at the beginning and middle of 2024, but I shall strive to achieve them however long it takes in this topsy-turvy world (even if it means continuing the blog in an alternate format such as physical zine, podcast, or video). In this era, until further notice, I am abandoning my self-imposed blogging quota, but I shall continue to blog as circumstances permit. In addition to the lists of goals mentioned above, I am adding several more.

  1. Discuss GURPS Robin Hood.
  2. Find, watch, and review more Robin Hood movies.
  3. Research, play, and review Robin Hood board games.
  4. Reread Robin Hood and books written about the subject.

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